Click on the image for FULL RES |
Name / Constellation | NGC 1961 |
Other: IC 2133; Arp 184; UGC 3334; PGC 17625 | Cam |
Coordinates | AR: 05h 42m 04.7sec - Dec: +69° 22' 42" | |||
Optics | Richtey-Chretien Officina Stellare 10"@F8 Carbon Truss | |||
Camera-Mount | SBIG ST10XME/CFW10/ONAG/ST8300 guider - 10Micron GM2000 QCI Mount | |||
Filters | Astrodon LRGB TruBalance (Gen 2) | |||
Exposure |
Location / Date | Promiod (Valle D'Aosta-Italy) "TLP" Remote Observatory - 11/13 jan 2018 | |||
Seeing | About 1.8 - 2 " - 0.71 arcosec/pixel image scale unbinned | |||
Note | ||||
Acquisition | MaxIm DL - CCD Autopilot 5 | |||
Processing | Adobe Photoshop CS5 - | |||
Comment | Spiral Galaxy about 200 Mly away. Given the apparent dimension of 4.6' x 3' it means NGC 1961 is 220000 ly across. Appparent mag 10.9. It appears distorced although no companion has ben detected nor double nuclei that could show a recent merger. Two long arms are visible from the north side of the galaxy. Discovered by W. Herschel on december 3 1788, >NGC 1961is the central member of the small group fo nine galaxies called NGC 1961 Group. It hosted three supernovae in the past: SN 1998eb, SN 2001is and SN 2013cc.