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Name / Constellation

NGC 1055

Other: UGC 2173, PGC 10208


Coordinates AR: 02h 41m 45.2s - Dec: +00° 26′ 35″
Optics Richtey-Chretien A&M 10"@F8 - Richtey-Chretien Officina Stellare 10"@F8 Carbon Truss
  • SBIG ST10XME/CFW10/AO8/VSI Zerotator/Remote Guider for Luminance
  • SBIG ST10XME/CFW10/ONAG/ST8300 guider for RGB
  • 10Micron GM2000 QCI Mount
Filters Astrodon L Gen 1 - Astrodon RGB TruBalance (Gen 2)
  • Luminance
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • 7 x 900 sec - 1 hour 45 min
  • 5 x 600 sec - 50 minutes
  • 5 x 600 sec - 50 minutes
  • 5 x 600 sec - 50 minutes
Location / Date Promiod (Valle D'Aosta-Italy) "TLP" Remote Observatory - 21 nov 2012 for Lum / Jan-Feb 2018 for RGB
Seeing About 2.5 " for luminance @ 0.71 arcosec/pixel image scale unbinned
Note Very low obiect; bad seeing for color acqusition
Acquisition MaxIm DL - CCD Autopilot 5 - CCD Commander
Processing MaxIm DL - Adobe Photoshop CS5 -

NGC 1055 is an edge-on spiral galaxy located in the constellation Cetus that has a prominent nuclear bulge crossed by a wide, knotty, dark lane of dust and gas. The spiral arm structure appears to be elevated above the galaxy's plane and obscures the upper half of the bulge. Discovered on December 19, 1783 by William Herschel from his home in Slough England. It is a binary system together with the bright spiral galaxy M77 (NGC 1068). Based on the published red shift, (Hubble Constant of 62 km/s per Mpc) a rough distance estimate for NGC 1055 is 52 million light-years, with a diameter of about 115,800 light-years. The separation between NGC 1055 and M77 is about 442,000 light-years.